Now showing items 21-30 of 56
A Atuação do (a) enfermeiro (a) no rastreamento e acompanhamento de crianças com transtorno do espectro autista no âmbito da atenção primária à saúde
Objective: to analyze the scientific production related to the role of nurses in tracking
and monitoring children with ASD, in the context of Primary Health Care.
Methodology: This is an integrative literature review, ...
Percepção sobre a dor no trabalho de parto : sensações e significados vivenciados entre puérperas
Objective: To understand the perception that women attribute to the pain of labor.
Method: A qualitative, descriptive and cross-sectional study, carried out between
September and November 2021, in the maternity ward of ...
Contato pele a pele e aleitamento materno na termorregulação do recém-nascido
The objective was to analyze the thermoregulation of the newborn (NB) at birth and
in the first hour of life after skin-to-skin contact and breastfeeding. Data collection
was carried out at Hospital Ruy de Barros Correia, ...
Componente curricular de terapia intensiva nas matrizes curriculares das graduações de enfermagem no Brasil
Objective: to analyze the curricular components of the Intensive Care Unit offered in
Brazilian higher education nursing courses. Method: descriptive, documentary study,
carried out in 1090 curricular matrices of higher ...
Conhecimento das mulheres em idade reprodutiva sobre o dispositivo intrauterino
Objective: To identify the knowledge of women of reproductive age in the city of Pesqueira PE about the Intrauterine Device (IUD). Method: Descriptive, cross-sectional study with a
quantitative approach. The sample ...
Construção e validação de uma tecnologia educacional lúdica para prevenção de acidentes em idosos
The use of playful educational technologies facilitates understanding and is effective
in the learning process, enabling through play, the practice of health education, being
the playful responsible for increasing good ...
Fatores associados à sintomatologia positiva para depressão pós-parto em mulheres no puerpério tardio
Purpose: To analyze the factors associated with positive symptomatology for
postpartum depression in women in the late puerperium. Method: This is an
exploratory, cross-sectional, quantitative study, in which the ...
Contribuições da enfermagem obstétrica para a humanização do parto : um olhar sobre o (des)uso da episiotomia
Objective: To analyze nursing production on the (dis)use of episiotomy in the context of childbirth
care. Methodology: Integrative literature review, carried out in October 2022, based on the analysis
of articles available ...
Conhecimentos de professores pré-escolares sobre primeiros socorros: uma revisão integrativa
And the study aimed to show the level of knowledge about first aid of professionals
working in educational institutions. Method: This is an integrative literature review, with a qualitative approach. The study was prepared ...
Tecnologias do cuidado em saúde empregadas na atenção primária
The use of health technologies has improved the practice of nursing care in technical-
assistance, bureaucratic-administrative activities and in interpersonal relationships
between the actors involved. In the Family ...