Now showing items 51-56 of 56
Conhecimento do enfermeiro no manejo do infarto agudo do miocárdio
Primary Health Care (PHC) is the main and preferred gateway to health care in the
Unified Health System (SUS). Among the services provided in primary care,
care/prevention for cardiovascular diseases stands out, including ...
Implicações do uso das Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação em Saúde na prática da enfermagem para segurança do paciente: Uma revisão integrativa
Objective: The objective of this work is to identify the implications of the use of
Information and Communication Technologies in Health in the practice of illness for
patient safety. Methods: This is an integrative ...
Aspectos legais da atuação de profissionais de enfermagem acerca da punção periférica de jugular externa
Objective: to analyze the regulations, opinions, resolutions or technical opinions
regarding the permission to perform external jugular puncture by a higher-level nursing
professional. Method: this is a qualitative ...
Medidas assistenciais em saúde para a prevenção de pneumonia associada à ventilação mecânica: uma revisão integrativa
Ventilator-associated pneumonia currently stands out as one of the most prevalent
healthcare-associated infections in patients requiring invasive ventilatory support. The
objective is to identify nursing care measures ...
Tecnologia em Saúde, Construção e Depósito de Patente de um Simulador Toracoabdominal Acoplável a Manequins de Ressuscitação Cardiopulmonar: um relato de experiência
Method: This is an experience report on the construction and filing of a patent for a
thoracoabdominal pregnancy simulator attachable to cardiopulmonary resuscitation
mannequins, in four complementary steps: Search for ...
Métodos contraceptivos: construção de vídeo educativo para mulheres surdas
Objective: to create an educational video in LIBRAS about contraceptive methods for
women. Methodology: methodological study, consisting of the construction of the
educational video, developed from a review of scientific ...