Now showing items 11-20 of 86
Aplicativo H2Gás: uma ferramenta tecnológica para facilitar a relação de compra e venda de água e gás
The rapid rise of wireless technology and mobile devices in the current era is
creating a huge impact on our everyday life. Some the recent efforts have been
made to combine the best adaptive use of these technologies ...
Análise de dados coletados por dispositivos de internet das coisas aplicada a sistemas embarcados
The significant growth in the number of embedded systems – mainly those in an
environment contextualized by the technological paradigm of the Internet of Things
(IoT) – has been responsible for a massive generation of ...
Música inredor: desenvolvimento de um aplicativo móvel para a promoção da cultura fonográfica local usando geolocalização
Independent musicians get most of their income from concerts in the same town they live.
There is the challenge of bringing the public closer to the artists in order to increase their
revenue from concert tickets and ...
Padrões de segurança para dispositivos IOT de baixo nível: uma revisão comparativa
The Internet of Things (IoT) allows people and objects to be connected anytime,
anywhere, for any purpose to any person, using any path/network and any service.
Different operating systems were developed for low- end IoT ...
Desenvolvimento de um aplicativo móvel para fiscalização do uso dos recursos hídricos
The management of water resources has been undergoing transformations, making it urgent to develop tools to support management and inspection, with an educational and regulatory character. This work aims to present the ...
Estudo de caso para solução de integração com grandes volumes de dados utilizando padrões de integração empresarial com o uso do Apache Camel
This work aims to present the use of corporate integration standards as a solution for
the treatment and transformation of large volumes of data in distributed and
heterogeneous applications. One of the main challenge ...
Estudo de caso de técnicas de utilização de transponders em redes ópticas elásticas
The growth in data traffic is mainly caused due to both the increasing number of
subscriber and new applications that require high transmission rates. Optical networks
have been the most suitable way to support this ...
Uma proposta para o uso de progressive web apps em ambientes de computação móvel em nuvens
The increased use of mobile applications is directly associated with the constant
development of Mobile Computing (CM), such as smartphones, tablets and notebooks.
However, the use of applications on these devices turns ...
Uma proposta de organização através de squads em uma distribuidora de energia elétrica no âmbito de gestão do cadastro técnico
In view of the constantly evolving scenario of the regulation of the electric sector
and the importance of Asset Management record for electric energy distributors, this
work proposed the application of the agile squad ...
Arquitetura de microsserviços: quando vale a pena migrar?
The continuous growth of complexity in current systems caused, among others, by
the exponential reach of the internet, has led the software industry and the
academic community to investigate new ways of solving problems ...