Now showing items 31-40 of 86
Sistema web de fiscalização e monitoramento de deposição irregular de resíduos da construção civil
Rapid urbanization and the growth of large-scale construction activities in Brazil have generated a considerable
amount of solid waste, accounting for 50% in the country (SIENGE). For the management of Civil Construction ...
Desenvolvimento de aplicativo móvel integrado a um sistema de informações geográficas
The Águas de Areias project, developed by the Águas do Nordeste Association (ANE),
stands out in the awareness of the population about the damages caused by sand
extraction and the support for the formulation of reports ...
Retrospectiva de projetos de evolução de software: comparando teoria e prática
The software maintenance is a very common activity that the companies need to be
atention if want keep the relevance of product and user satisfaction. This
maintenance could be understanded like smalls updates that ...
Construção de uma impressora 3D de baixo custo utilizando hardware e software de código aberto
The use of 3D printing is on the rise, more and more industry and civil society are
showing interest in the subject and this interest is the result of the popularization of the
technology and its advantages in enabling ...
BPM Ágil: modelagem e e estudo de caso em uma empresa de TI
The case study of the treatment of the Hybrid implementation of processes
using BPM with agile methodologies, demonstrating how it can contribute to the
development of traditional processes in a company in the technology ...
Agilizacart : sistema de pedidos para cartórios
With the beginning of COVID-19 pandemic, it was necessary for people to keep
their distance and physical stores had to be closed, an opportunity to create a
solution to keep those services working was envisioned. It’s ...
Aplicativo Acelera Girl
O Brasil é uma sociedade considerada machista. Isso se manifesta em di versos problemas como a desigualdade de direitos entre homens e mulheres, altos
índices de violência, assédio e estupro, objetificação da mulher, ...
Wood Capture, uma ferramenta para coleta de informações de espécies de madeira
Wood is one of the most versatile materials found in nature, being used in several
essential applications such as civil construction, furniture, navigation, pulp extraction,
among others. In addition to its versatility, ...
Comparativo entre ferramentas de testes de softwares E2E em sistemas web
This article addresses the study of Selenium and Cucumber test automation tools,
with the objective of distinguishing their applications through a documentary study, and
showing the advantages and disadvantages of using ...
Sistema de automação e controle de nível em estação de tratamento de efluentes industriais utilizando plataforma arduino
The present work aims, throughout its contents, to express how some
computerized procedures can be fundamental in the process of water treatment
or effluent, highlighting how technology has been expanding the techniques ...