Now showing items 11-20 of 153
A Abordagem do tema porcentagem nas provas da OBMEP nível 2 a partir da implementação da Base Nacional Comum Curricular
The present work aims to verify the frequency of the Percentage theme in tests of the
1st and 2nd phases of the Brazilian Mathematics Olympiad of Public Schools (OBMEP)
for level 2 (8th and 9th grades) in the period from ...
Estudo das características geoelétricas de linhas de transmissão em prospecção a um modelo autocompensado
Considering the difficulties in acquiring new rights-of-way for the construction of new transmission line projects and the need for such investments in the electricity sector due to the constant increase in energy demand, ...
Diagnóstico de conversores CA-CC-CA através da aplicação de redes neurais convolucionais
Due to the need to reduce emissions of polluting gases and the search
for more sustainable means of energy production, wind energy has been one
of the fastest-growing renewable sources in the world. However, operation
and ...
Ecodata: plataforma web como ferramenta para compilação e compartilhamento de dados ambientais no estado da Paraíba
This thesis aimed to develop a web platform for the compilation and sharing of water
resource data in the state of Paraíba, aiming to contribute to more efficient management.
The developed platform is composed of a ...
Guia de Impressão synesthesia vision : iluminando vidas
(Do autor, 2024-04-11)
ESP32: guia prático
(Do autor, 2024-03-01)
DataHarbor: capacitando o engajamento cidadão por meio da visualização de dados abertos na governança municipal
The increasing availability of public data provides significant opportunities for understanding and making informed decisions; however, the complexity and heterogeneity of these data can create barriers to their interpretation ...
Contribuições dos bibliotecários de uma instituição de educação profissional, científica e tecnológica para a promoção do desenvolvimento sustentável.
(Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de Pernambuco - Campus Olinda, 2024-03-07)
The present professional master's research aims to analyze the contributions of
librarians from the Federal Institute of Pernambuco to achieve the sustainability
principles proposed in Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) ...
Um Estudo sobre o Uso do Vídeo como Recurso Didático de Ensino Aprendizagem nas Aulas de Física do 8º Ano do Ensino Fundamental
The objective of the research work was to analyze the understanding and attractiveness of
Physics classes for students in a penultimate year of Elementary School, using videos as a
methodological resource. A survey was ...
Aplicação de rede neural MLP na identificação de falhas em motores de indução trifásicos utilizando base de dados gerada por modelo computacional
This study addresses the application of Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) Neural Networks in identifying faults in three-phase induction motors. Using a database generated by a computational model, the neural network's performance ...