Now showing items 1-10 of 80
Turismo cultural: catalogando manifestações populares e atrativos de Frei Miguelinho
This study addresses the tourist attractions in the city of Frei Miguelinho, in the rural
region of Pernambuco. The municipality is rich in cultural, gastronomic and natural
aspects. In this way, the objective of the ...
Da nota de rodapé ao centro da narrativa: uma proposta de estruturação turística para o festival das heroínas de Tejucupapo, Goiana – PE.
For 25 editions, the Festival das Heroinas de Tejucupapo confirms the cultural diversity present
in the state of Pernambuco. The event, which takes place in the city of Goiana on the northern
coast of Pernambuco, stands ...
Viva Baobá : uma proposta de turismo e lazer em espaços públicos
A Cidade do Recife é a capital do Estado de Pernambuco e uma das 76 cidades com
vocação turística no estado. A cidade possui pontos turísticos que se destacam no
cenário turístico local e nacional, tais como a praia ...
Recife conectado: propostas de melhorias para o visit Recife
Tourism has increasingly taken advantage of technologies to attract and optimize
the use of equipment and visiting points. Recife, one of the most visited cities in
Brazil, can be considered avant-garde in this regard. ...
Ecoturismo em Pernambuco : potencialidades X realidades
In this work, conceptualizations about the ecotourism segment and how it finds
itself in the context of tourism in the State were addressed. In addition, the
objetctive of this work was to study and analyze the potential ...
Unité viagens ecumênicas: uma proposta de agência de viagens ecumênica online, voltada para fé e espiritualidade.
Religious tourism moves hundreds of cities in Brazil and abroad. As Brazil is a culturally
diverse country in different aspects, in the religious sphere this diversity is found in the different
religions existing in ...
Processo de análise hierárquica para a definição do melhor destino de Pernambuco
Tourism is an important tool for the socioeconomic development of a community, as it
promotes the creation of jobs, income, professional qualification, attracts investments
in infrastructure and tax collection. In ...
O Recife do Alto da Penha: roteiro de visitas guiadas na estrutura interna superior da basílica da Penha do Recife-PE
Do Topo do Recife, trae al público de Recife la posibilidad de una nueva experiencia
en el concepto de visitas, en el uso de la estructura superior de la Basílica de Penha
y sus caminos de mantenimiento abiertos al ...
Política pública de turismo, lazer e cultura: programa sábado na escola
This work proposes the implementation of Leisure and Cultural Program activities for
the students of the State School Pintor Lauro Villares, located in the community of
Roda de Fogo, west of the city of Recife. In order ...
Ilha encantada: plano de marketing digital turístico para o município de Itamaracá - PE
This Course Completion Paper proposes a Digital Marketing Plan for the Island of
Itamaracá seeking to promote and enhance tourism in the city, which is currently
stagnant, as shown by the results of our field research. ...