Now showing items 31-40 of 80
Estação Primavera: uma proposta de plano de requalificação para o Parque Ecoturístico da Cachoeira do Urubu em Primavera
Pernambuco is known as one of the fastest growing in terms of tourist activities in
recent years. The state has several tourist attractions that stand out in the local,
national and international tourist scenery, such ...
Do clássico ao contemporâneo: um roteiro turístico literário pela poesia Recifense
The present work is a proposal of a tourist itinerary with the purpose of divulging and promoting literary artistic manifestations and tourist attractions of the city of Recife. For this, it is suggested the creation of a ...
O Artesanato como Patrimônio Turístico e Cultural : valorização e desenvolvimento econômico na cidade pernambucana de São Vicente Férrer
Este Trabajo de Finalización de Curso tiene como objetivo presentar posibilidades para
aumentar el turismo en la ciudad de São Vicente Férrer, en el interior de Pernambuco, a
partir de una intervención en la localidad ...
Festival Cultural Goiana Quer te Conhecer
Este proyecto trata sobre la importancia de valorar un lugar y su cultura. El proyecto
está estructurado en el Sitio Histórico de Goiana, ciudad de la Zona da Mata de
Pernambuco, y tiene como objetivo general crear una ...
Meu Igarassu: um olhar de pertencimento por meio de uma proposta de turismo cidadão
Igarassu has great tourist and historical potential for Pernambuco and the region. But
even considering this potential, this work raises questions about the reasons that
lead the city not to present an adequate development ...
Vem ver Guararapes: uma proposta de turismo cidadão em Jaboatão dos Guararapes - PE
Jaboatão dos Guararapes is a municipality of the state of Pernambuco that has a high tourist potential, in addition to cultural and natural wealth. However, the present paper raises issues about the lack of use of this ...
Chegue mais: a influência do lazer para o equilíbrio psicológico, emocional e comunitário
The present work aimed at the idealization of a mobile application aimed at leisure
tourism and the idea of self-management, providing the meeting and voluntary
organization of people from the same location, with the ...
Travel like me: uma estratégia de sensibilização de pessoas sobre a violência contra a mulher turista e viajante
This paper, a requirement for completion of the Technology in Tourism Management course of the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Pernambuco - IFPE, aims to present a proposal for an educational ...
Evento gastronômico e cultural para a cidade de Vicência
Vicência located in the North Forest of Pernambuco is a city with remarkable tourist
potential, but which is still little explored, with that the present research had as
objective the proposal of an event in the format ...
Frevocultura: I Encontro do grupos de frevo dos pontos de cultura da cidade do Recife - PE
The dimension that tourism has in its global context brings relevant aspects to the tourist activity itself in the context of Cultural Tourism, where culture is represented by something that means tradition and descent. ...