Now showing items 81-90 of 100
Musealize Recife: uma proposta desite para divulgação e promoção dos museus da cidade do Recife.
No Brasil existe pouca articulação entre turismo e museus. Os museus são espaços
relevantes para a sociedade, não apenas como disseminadores de conhecimento,
mas espaços de lazer. A ausência de esforços para aumentar ...
Momento Off Turismo e Lazer: empreendimento no mercado turístico pernambucano
This course completion work presents a new organization aimed at the tourism market:
Momento Off Turismo e Lazer, whose main objective is the creation of this company
through the application of strategies to expand the ...
A exploração sexual no turismo: um problema nosso
This work was made with the aim of creating an informative booklet about the sexual
exploitation in tourism targeted to the tourism professionals in the Boa Viagem
neighborhood in Recife. The neighborhood has the best ...
Projeto de implantação de um restaurante temático em Boa viagem Recife Cirque Ristorante
Gastronomy is characterized by a driving force in the current scenario of tourist activity,
seeking creativity and innovation. Therefore, the present work had as general objective the
elaboration of a project of a theme ...
Turismo no município da ilha de Itamaracá: propostas de estratégias interpretativas para o desenvolvimento turístico.
This work aims to present a proposal for interpreting the heritage for the Island of
Itamaracá as a tool to encourage tourism in the municipality, highlighting cultural
tourism. The municipality was chosen as the focus ...
I Festival de Cinema ao Ar Livre do Paulista : uma proposta para o Ecoparque das Paineiras
The project presents the proposal to create an open-air film festival with the aim of
strengthening the use of Ecoparque das Paineiras for events, as a tool to enable
culture and boost the tourist flow in the municipality ...
Avaliação do índice de gestão sustentável (IGS) no sistema hoteleiro do sitio histórico de Olinda
The availability of information that tourists have about what tourist destinations offer
can make a difference when choosing the next trip. Many of these travelers are taking into
account the sustainable practices of ...
Acessibilidade Comunicacional no Museu do Estado de Pernambuco
Tourism, in to beig considered an economic activity, is also social in nature, since when
moving within societies, individuals impact and are impacted by this environment.
Communication Accessibility (AC) is a set of ...
Parada Cultural: das drags a todas as CLUBBER’S
This work aims to portray the LGBTQIA+ community and their unique modes of
expression. Event proposals were developed in which the needs and concerns of
this community can be exposed and discussed with other members of ...
Projeto para implantação de um hotel no aeroporto internacional do Recife :um estudo de viabilidade e impacto turístico
This feasibility study examines the possibility of implementing a hotel on the premises
of Recife International Airport, in order to assess its tourist impact. Recife International
Airport is one of the main gateways ...