Now showing items 71-80 of 100
Roteiro Alto da Sé + inclusivo: uma proposta de roteiro turístico inclusivo e acessível no sítio histórico da cidade de Olinda em Pernambuco.
Tourism is an activity that can be praticed for leisure, rest, work, among other
reasons. This work aims to propose an inclusive and accessible tourist itinerary for
people with reduced mobility in Alto da Sé, in Olinda. ...
Um roteiro histórico e cultural por Camaragibe -PE
This work proposes the creation of a cultural tourist itinerary based on the
attractions of the City of Camaragibe, located in the western region of the
metropolitan region of Recife, in the state of Pernambuco. The ...
Espaço lazer em ação do Recife : uma proposta de intervenção no bairro de Boa Viagem Recife - PE
Population ageing is a social phenomenon that has attracted attention from all over the
world in recent decades, and older persons are increasingly relevant demographically.
Therefore, this project aims to propose the ...
Uma etnografia do mercado público de São José : a possibilidade do turismo cidadão em Recife - PE.
Le présent travail décrit comment les actions de réorganisation autour du
Marché Public de São José ont eu lieu et leurs impacts sur la dynamique de
l’endroit, notamment en ce qui concerne les usages touristiques et ...
Festival Gastronômico - Cheio de Fome‖: uma viagem pela gastronomia Pernambucana
This project aims to enhance the food and drinks of Pernambuco from the realization of an event at the Convention Center of Pernambuco. During the performance of our work, researches were carried out in the bibliographic ...
Tracunhaém: amostra de inventário para o planejamento turístico
The achievement of an accurate diagnosis is essential for the development of an effective tourism planning and is a fundamental factor in administrative functions, serving as the basis for successful management. In this ...
Turismo de base comunitária: uma viagem pelo Afroturismo na comunidade remanescente de Quilombo do Engenho Siqueira, Rio Formoso – PE.
Community-based tourism has been standing out among the different types of
tourism, and linked to it is afrotourism. Afrotourism is an aspect that brings out the
feeling of belonging to people of African descent, in ...
Festival Cultural do Cuzcuz de Guadalupe - Olinda
Presentamos en este proyecto La creación de un festival gastronómico donde
el protagonista es elcuscús, con foco em el impulso turístico-cultural em elbarrio
Guadalupe. El Festival contará con varias actividades culturales ...
Turismo pedagógico virtual: proposta de uma coreografia didática de elaboração de roteiros virtuais para escolas
Tourism is considered by many scholars to be a tool capable of mitigating problems
present in capitalist societies. In addition to its role in economic development, this
social phenomenon results in cultural and environmental ...
Libras nas Cinco Pontas : acessibilidade comunicacional no Museu cidade do Recife
Much is said about the importance of inclusion within the tourism scope, but it is necessary to
think about whether this is happening in practice. Accessibility is a right guaranteed by law
for people with disabilities ...