Now showing items 61-67 of 67
Passos históricos : revelando o Recife antigo das tampas de bueiro
This study was carried out based on an analysis of manhole covers, elements that
are often underestimated in the urban landscape, but are fundamental to global
urban infrastructure, highlighting their potential as ...
Cristo Redentor de Cumaru: Cultura e desenvolvimento para o turismo
The undergraduate thesis (TCC) covers an overview of the current cultural tourism scenario and how the receptive use of facilities at the Christ the Redeemer monument in Cumaru, Pernambuco, occurs. This monument holds ...
A criação de roteiros turísticos sob duas rodas no Recife (PE)
Tourism is an important activity in the world economic sector, presenting itself as an opportunity for growth for many places. Recife is no different, the city has attractions of the most varied styles and tastes, in ...
Qualidade dos serviços hoteleiros ofertados na cidade de Porto de Galinhas: na percepção dos turistas
The purpose of this study is to identify and analyze the quality of the provision of
hotel services in four of the best hotels in the city of Porto de Galinhas - PE, based
on the perception of tourists. It is also worth ...
Formação técnica e tecnológica: aproximações e distanciamentos no eixo turismo, entretenimento e lazer
The objective of this study is to understand the approximations and distances in technical and
technological training in the area of tourism at IFPE. Thus, a documental research with a
qualitative approach was carried ...
SEMEAR: Produções acadêmicas do IFPE Campus Cabo de Santo Agostinho
(Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia Campus Cabo de Santo Agosinho, 2023-10-20)
O ebook ‘SEMEAR’ é um marco na história do IFPE Campus Cabo de Santo Agostinho.
Ao longo de suas páginas, você encontrará um rico acervo de pesquisas e projetos
que demonstram a excelência e a diversidade da produção ...
Chamegoterapia na hotelaria da cidade de Recife: formas de reinventar o setor hoteleiro após a pandemia da covid-19
This Course Completion Work aims to present welfare proposals to the tourism
sector, focusing on the economic hotel industry in the city of Recife, seeking to
promote and attract the public after the COVID-19 pandemic ...