Now showing items 1-3 of 3
Festival Cultural Goiana Quer te Conhecer
Este proyecto trata sobre la importancia de valorar un lugar y su cultura. El proyecto
está estructurado en el Sitio Histórico de Goiana, ciudad de la Zona da Mata de
Pernambuco, y tiene como objetivo general crear una ...
Criação de um Festival na Arena Pernambuco : Art&Pop Festival
The project has as one of the main objectives to improve the use of Arena Pernambuco
as a tourism instrument and consequently promote the movement in the state events
sector, generating income and jobs directly and ...
Festival Gastronômico - Cheio de Fome‖: uma viagem pela gastronomia Pernambucana
This project aims to enhance the food and drinks of Pernambuco from the realization of an event at the Convention Center of Pernambuco. During the performance of our work, researches were carried out in the bibliographic ...