Now showing items 51-57 of 57
Ferramenta para avaliação de maturidade dos projetos básicos ambientais (PBAs) de obras industriais e de infraestruturas
(Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de Pernambuco, 2016-12-16)
The Environmental Basic Project (PBA) is an important instrument of environmental control in
the implantation of works and instituted by the National Environmental Policy. Its execution is
carried out during the Environmental ...
Brejos de altitudes nordestinos face à mudanças climáticas: predições de distribuição como ferramenta para a gestão ambiental
Global climate changes can drastically influence the distribution of global
ecosystems, thereby affecting the flora and fauna composition by powering
habitat loss, bioinvasion and extinction. Sensible ecosystems such as ...
Transformações e permanências do lugar: um olhar sobre a Vila da Fábrica, Camaragibe/PE
Composed of a plural historical context, the Vila da Fábrica constitutes, in the current period, a space of possibilities for the capital's action, with potential repercussions on the lives of its residents. The research ...
A percepção dos moradores da comunidade Asa Branca, no município de Camaragibe-PE, sobre os problemas ambientais no Rio Pacas
This research aimed to analyze the perception of residents of the Asa Branca
community, located in the Vera Cruz neighborhood of Camaragibe-PE, about the
environmental problems in the Pacas River. So it was necessary to ...
Roteiro das ferrovias em Pernambuco: um olhar geográfico
In this work the Historical Geography will be based on the methodological theories
that permeate the research of the past in Geography. Rail transport emerged during
the Industrial Revolution in the 18th century in England ...
Implantação de ERP em uma empresa de geração de energia: expectativa gerencial para melhoria de processos de O&M com implantação do módulo PM da SAP
Competitive organizations seek to adapt continuously to the digital economy dynamic
environment. From the 1990s onwards, the increasing complexity of globalized organizations
expanded the need for integrate their functional ...
Práticas ambientais na construção da identidade de manifestações culturais da Comunidade Quilombola do Engenho Siqueira - Rio Formoso - PE
Traditional communities, specifically Quilombola Communities, are culturally distinct
groups that share values and symbols charged with ancestry that define what they
are, their identity. Understanding how this notion ...