Now showing items 31-40 of 103
Arquitetura de microsserviços: quando vale a pena migrar?
The continuous growth of complexity in current systems caused, among others, by
the exponential reach of the internet, has led the software industry and the
academic community to investigate new ways of solving problems ...
Gestão do conhecimento na área de Tecnologia da informação: um estudo de caso da percepção sobre compartilhamento de conhecimento entre profissionais de TI
The competitive environment of the corporate world suffered a great impact when
physical resources ceased to be the main strategic differential, giving way to
intangible resources, changing the focus of companies towards ...
Implementação de gerenciamento de identidade e acessos aplicado a ambientes baseados em GNU/LINUX
Managing a large number of Linux servers becomes a complex challenge when many users
need access to the servers. This task can be neglected by administrators due to the great effort
dedicated to creating and maintaining ...
Protagonismo feminino na área de tecnologia: uma pesquisa
This study analyzes the performance of women in the area of Information Technology,
considering their performance, challenge in the job market, prejudices experienced at
the university, in the technological field, their ...
GEM : sistema de gerenciamento de programas de monitoria
Teacher assistance programs are of great importance on the academic development of
undergraduate students. In this text, we describe the development of a system to manage
teacher assistance programs, especially for Federal ...
Ferramentas de gestão de projetos ambientais: uma análise a partir da usabilidade do biovirtua
(Instituto Federal de Pernambuco, 2019-06-28)
The international conception of smart cities points to the use of smart technologies to solve
socio-environmental, economic and cultural challenges. This strategy aims to raise the city's
quality of life in the face of ...
Análise de acessibilidade dos ambientes virtuais de aprendizagem (Ava’s) do IFPE de acordo com as aplicações e padrões web, voltado para pessoas com deficiência visual
This paper proposes to present the result of evaluation of the Virtual Learning
Environments (VLE’s), from the Federal Institute of Education, Science and
Technology of Pernambuco (IFPE), in the perspective of web ...
Mulheres em empresas de tecnologia: análise e desafios da carreira tecnológica no estado de Pernambuco
This research refers to the analysis of the difficulties and obstacles encountered by
women in technology companies located in Pernambuco. Several challenges are
encountered by women who choose technology as a career. ...
Implantação de semáforo inteligente como solução na mobilidade urbana
This article briefly addresses information about the development of the prototype of the intelligent traffic control system. The prototype and this article are partial requirements for obtaining the title of Specialist in ...
Diagnóstico e proposta de melhoria com foco na área de central de serviços de TI em empresas de Pernambuco
This paper intends to diagnose and propose improvements focusing on
the central area of IT services in medium-sized companies in Pernambuco. The
theory was based on the studies of Magalhães and Pinheiro (2007), ...