Now showing items 21-30 of 78
Desmistificando o mito: a influência temática do tubarão no turismo do Recife - projeto o tubarão é amigo
Shark attacks in the coast of Metropolitan Region of Recife began to occuring in the 90’s. As
if it wasn’t an isolated fact, but a reocurring event that happened in Pina beach, Boa Viagem
beach, Piedade beach, Candeias ...
Jurema Sagrada - Alhandra-PB: desmatamento, cultura e religião
This work aimed to analyze the deforestation of the jurema-preta tree and the
relationship with the sacred jurema religion. The causes that motivate the felling were
investigated, as well as the consequent scarcity of ...
Saxofone, frevo e educação: um estudo sobre o potencial pedagógico da obra do Maestro Nunes na aprendizagem do gênero
The present work has as a general objective, to investigate which are the elements that describe the pedagogical potential of the conductor’s work José Nunes de Souza in the process of learning on the saxophone in the ...
Emissões atmosféricas odorantes de uma estação de tratamento de efluentes: limites geográficos da pluma
(Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de Pernambuco, 2020-10-14)
The discomfort caused by bad odors, resulting from anthropic activities, is an increasingly recurrent environmental issue, due to environmental discomfort in local populations under the influence of the plume. The absence ...
Circuito da fé em Jaboatão dos Guararapes
The guiding theme of the project intends to create a cultural and religious tour route. Willing to diversify the flux of visitors in Jaboatão dos Guararapes, it was idealized a tour route with three churches of the city, ...
Análise socioambiental da comunidade Califórnia em Ipojuca – Pernambuco
(Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de Pernambuco, 2020-09-03)
This research presents a socio-environmental diagnosis of the California community, in Ipojuca, Pernambuco. The objective of this work was to analyze the socioenvironmental aspects of this community and present an ...
Uso da fibra do resíduo de coco verde na produção de tijolos ecológicos
(Instituto Federal de Pernambuco, 2020-03-02)
Population growth brings one of the greatest concerns of modern society, such as a large volume of waste production, including green coconut waste. Sustainable development with the use of natural resources and productive ...
Avaliação escolar no componente curricular química: concepções e práticas de docentes do ensino médio
Teachers' conceptions about school evaluation are presented as a field of
study that demands continuous reflections regarding planning and results
from the teaching-learning process. Considering the ideas of Vasconcell ...