Now showing items 11-17 of 17
Museu de ciências nucleares : plano de viabilização turística através de um personagem
The proposal of this project aims to implement a dissemination plan for the Museum of
Nuclear Sciences of Pernambuco. The work intends to increase the dissemination of
the museum through the use of some communication ...
Turismo Pedagógico: proposta de roteiros com os temas contemporâneos transversais aplicados aos alunos do ensino fundamental II na cidade do Recife
Being invested in versatility, Tourism allows several concepts to be added into its
nomenclature. In this sense, among the various segments found in Tourism, there is a
modality focused on education called Pedagogical ...
Processo de análise hierárquica para definição do melhor destino turístico de Pernambuco
Tourism is an important tool for the socioeconomic development of a community, as it
promotes the creation of jobs, income, professional qualification, attracts investments
in infrastructure and tax collection. In ...
Nós por nós, por Recife: cartilha voltada para as mulheres que viajam sozinhas pela capital pernambucana
Women, after a lot of struggle, were conquering their rights and exercising their
independence and freedom. This directly reflected in many areas, such as: in the
family, at work, in decisions and also in leisure and ...
Projeto de intervenção: rota cicloturística em Itamaracá - PE
This study is about the possibilities of bicycle tourism on the Island of Itamaracá, located in the Metropolitan Region of Recife, in the north of the State of Pernambuco, approximately 50 km from the capital, in an area ...
Festival de teatro online: dimensão ao desenvolvimento do Turismo Cultural
This Course Completion paper proposes an online theater festival for Recife, aiming to assist in the development of cultural tourism in the city, a segment that still needs many actions for better use. In the theoretical ...
Festival Gastronômico - Cheio de Fome‖: uma viagem pela gastronomia Pernambucana
This project aims to enhance the food and drinks of Pernambuco from the realization of an event at the Convention Center of Pernambuco. During the performance of our work, researches were carried out in the bibliographic ...