Now showing items 181-190 of 190
Correlação espacial entre a dengue e o saneamento na cidade do Recife
The Dengue is an urban and tropical arbovirose transmitted by a domestic,
anthropophilic and diurnal hematophageal activity mosquito, the Aedes aegypti, which uses water as a medium for reproduction. The objective of this ...
Abordagem multricritério para escolha de sistemas construtivos de alvenaria de vedação: estudo de caso em três obras de Pernambuco
The civil construction sector, especially in times of crisis, faces challenges and demands in
the quest to increase productivity, lower costs and meet shorter delivery times. In this context,
the present work aims to ...
Avaliação da qualidade da água de um trecho do Rio Capibaribe através do modelo QUAL-UFMG
The catchment area of the Capibaribe river presents serious water quality problems.
This is due the lack of sanitation infrastructure in the municipalities bordering the
Capibaribe river coupled up to low flows rate. ...
Práticas ambientais na construção da identidade de manifestações culturais da Comunidade Quilombola do Engenho Siqueira - Rio Formoso - PE
Traditional communities, specifically Quilombola Communities, are culturally distinct
groups that share values and symbols charged with ancestry that define what they
are, their identity. Understanding how this notion ...
O uso de experimentos gravados no ensino de Química
The present work investigated the use of recorded experiments in the teaching of chemistry and its contributions to the teaching-learning process of chemistry concepts, analyzing the importance of methodological aspects ...
Inovação no ensino de Química: a ecologia de saberes na abordagem metodológica
The present work investigated the contributions of the use of different languages in the teaching and learning process of Chemistry, identifying the oretical aspects that could base this teaching practice and examining ...
A prática pedagógica do professor e a aprendizagem de Química em uma Escola de Referência de Barreiros – PE
The present study investigated the quality of the teaching and learning process of chemistry in a School of Reference and its possible relation with the pedagogical proposal of this model of school. The proposal of the ...
Avaliação dos resíduos de pavimentação e escavação gerados em obras de manutenção de redes coletoras de esgoto: subsídios para gestão ambiental
(Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de Pernambuco, 2019-06-27)
Brazil still has low rates of sewage collection and treatment. In order for the universalization of sewage services to be achieved, it will be necessary to carry out works, which in turn generate waste, commonly disposed ...
Educação do campo e pedagogia da alternância: desafios e potencialidades para o ensino de Ciências
To think of “Pedagogy of Alternation” demands to go deep into the concepts, origins and politics of rural education that have been developed in schools that are not located in urban spaces but in those including “quilombola”, ...
Todos contra a dengue!
(Do autor, 2018-11-30)