Now showing items 1-6 of 6
Representações de gênero por estudantes do 8º ano da rede pública municipal de Angelim-PE: uma análise do discurso crítica
This research aims to trace a theoretical and methodological investigation about the representations of
gender that condition and maintain various stereotypes that exclude and discriminate the female gender
and tension ...
No caminho, uma cruz; na Igreja, um credo: um estudo dialógico do discurso dos católicos que constroem as Santas Cruzes de Beira de Estrada e do discurso da Igreja Católica
This article aims to analyze the dialogues between the Santas Cruzes de Beira de
Estrada and Catholicism in the municipality of Correntes - PE, the signs belonging to
the two practices and the disagreements and agreements ...
O processo de referenciação na (re)construção do sentido no gênero meme sobre a pandemia de COVID-19
The new coronavirus pandemic has brought invaluable impacts to the lives of individuals and to deal with current circumstances, uncertainties and changes, users of digital social networks have created and/or shared a large ...
A composição visual em pinturas baseadas na obra Vidas Secas, de Graciliano Ramos: uma análise multimodal sob a perspectiva da Gramática do Design Visual
The objective of this paper is to understand how students imagetically represented the meanings of the literary work Vidas Secas, by Graciliano Ramos, after a didactic intervention proposal. Our corpus is exclusively ...
Cabras, cabocos, acaboclados, bárbaros e bravios ou afinal como foram chamados os indígenas na história do Brasil
The present article brings a brief “lexical history” to the term “caboclo” and other categories used to name the indigenous people along the Brazilian history, particularly in state of Pernambuco. This research is mainly ...
A necropolítica sob o olhar da análise do discurso: sujeito, sentido e memória no discurso político
According to Pecheuxtian Discourse Analysis (DA), this paper aims to promote an
analysis of the materialization of Brazilian political discourse nowadays. The
discussion will be based on statements made by the current ...