Now showing items 1-6 of 6
Poemas de Cora Coralina na perspectiva da análise do discurso: possíveis efeitos de autoria
This article aims to theoretically discuss the notion of authorship, based on the analysis of the poems O Cântico da Terra, Todas vidas and Mulher da vida, from the work Poemas dos Becos de Goiás e Estórias Mais, by Cora ...
A necropolítica sob o olhar da análise do discurso: sujeito, sentido e memória no discurso político
According to Pecheuxtian Discourse Analysis (DA), this paper aims to promote an
analysis of the materialization of Brazilian political discourse nowadays. The
discussion will be based on statements made by the current ...
A videorresenha na comunidade discursiva do booktok: uma análise da estrutura retórica do gênero
This research presents the results of the socio-rhetorical analysis of the video review genre, which circulates in the ambience of the TikTok social network. Because we believe that the rhetorical organization of the genre ...
Do discurso religioso ao discurso político-partidário: a manipulação do discurso cristão no interior do aparelho ideológico do Estado Igreja
This article starts by questioning how, in the 2022 Brazilian elections, the Christian
discourse was captured by the political-party discourse. The influence of the church
as an Ideological State Apparatus (ALTHUSSER, ...
Referenciação, BNCC e o livro didático de português: caminhos que se cruzam
This work deals with the theme of referencing, highlighting the BNCC prescriptions
proposed in the skills for teaching Portuguese language in activities present in the
textbooks of the 6th and 9th grades, from the ...
Entre linguagem, pedais e corridas: uma análise de anúncios de ciclismo e corrida de rua à luz dos estudos sociorretóricos de gênero
The present work is part of Swalesian socio-rhetorical gender studies and deals with
advertisements for cycling and street running sporting events, analyzing them from
their context of occurrence – from the perspective ...