Now showing items 1-6 of 6
Programa Nacional da Alimentação Escolar – (PNAE): avanços e desafios na execução da Lei 11.967/09 no município de Barreiros - PE
Marketing represents an essential step in the production chain of family agricultural production. Being responsible for generating income and maintaining the farming family in the countryside. For this to happen, the ...
Mudas de maracujá produzidas em recipientes com diferentes volumes e composição de substratos
Seedling is one of the main inputs in an agricultural production system, being directly related to the productivity and quality of the fruit. Aiming at the production of good quality seedlings, there is a need to find ...
Macrofauna Epígea em diferentes sistemas de uso do solo no assentamento Jundiá de Cima, em Tamandaré/PE
Studies to assess soil quality in tropical regions have grown considerably in recent years. These studies are based on soil quality indicators, which are measurable properties (quantitative or qualitative), which assess ...
Horta escolar agroecológica: cultivando saberes com crianças da comunidade quilombola do Engenho Siqueira em Rio Formoso, PE
The present work proposes to present the results obtained in the experience of implementing and maintaining an agroecological garden at the José Minervino Roberto Municipal School located in the Quilombola Community of ...
Efeito da peletização de semente e urina de vaca na produção de mudas de maracujá amarelo
The production of seedlings is a practice of extreme economic importance and requires management that guarantees the quality of the seedlings. In this context, the objective of this experiment is to evaluate the influence ...
Desenvolvimento do milho (Zea mays) sob o manejo da adubação orgânica e mineral
Corn is one of the most important crops worldwide, both from an economic and social point of
view, standing out for being the most produced grain in the world. In contemporary days, there
is an evident concern with our ...