Now showing items 1-4 of 4
Tecnologias digitais nas aulas de química: integrando conteúdos conceituais, procedimentais e atitudinais
This research aimed to describe the types of experiences (conceptuals, procedurals and attitudinals) that teachers go through on the teaching-learning process of Chemistry using Digital Technologies (DT). The following ...
A percepção dos estudantes do curso de Educação de Jovens e Adultos (EJA) na Escola Henriqueta de Oliveira sobre o conceito de paisagem: vivências em campo de estágio no ensino de Geografia
This research has as objective to analyze the perceptions of students of Educação
de Jovens e Adultos (EJA) course, about the conceptions of landscape and the
systematization and production of pedagogical activities ...
Concepções dos (as) docentes e licenciandos (as) sobre possibilidades e desafios de uso do livro didático de Química
The purpose of this study is to describe the conceptions of chemistry teachers and graduates about the possibilities and challenges of using the textbook. It addresses the book of Chemistry of High School that is included ...
A concepção dos licenciados em geografia da UFPE sobre a formação cidadã na educação básica
In front of the current Brazilian political crisis, marked by the polarization and inability
of respect and divergent political positioning and for the growing lack of interest from
Brazilian population by exercise of ...