Now showing items 1-10 of 133
Análise da implementação dos telhados verdes como estratégia para cidades sustentáveis: um estudo da cidade do Recife, Pernambuco
The intensification of urbanization and the withdrawal of green in cities without proper
planning can cause several negative impacts and cause a collapse in urban centers.
In view of the intense relations between the ...
Adequações do programa minha casa minha vida ao padrão de construções sustentáveis
In view of the great concern with the future of our planet and the natural resources
essential to life, environmental issues have become increasingly present in studies in
various academic areas, as well as sustainable ...
Análise qualitativa do parque de Camaragibe-PE para a prática de atividades físicas
Parks and squares can play an important role in health promotion, as they can be
suitable places for physical activity, providing an active life to users. The present work
had as its object of study the Parque de Camaragibe, ...
Capacidade de uso das terras da bacia hidrográfica do rio Jaboatão - PE
The intensive use of natural resources, mainly through agricultural practices and the phenomenon of urbanization, has been promoting environmental impacts, making it necessary to plan the use of land according to its ...
Projeto de intervenção : "Recife tem encantos mil" espetáculo musical para divulgar o Turismo Cultural
Ce projet vise à attirer les touristes et à promouvoir l'inclusion des jeunes vulnérables dans la commune de Recife. La proposition d'intervention recherchera le soutien des agences gouvernementales, telles que les ...
Sustentabilidade na hotelaria em Porto de Galinhas/PE: definição do Índice de práticas sustentáveis - IPS
Tourism is one of the main economic activities in the world. It is a current phenomenon that can promote economic, social and environmental changes. In the Northeast, the coast presents itself as the main attraction of the ...
Voo livre : pela liberdade de viajar sozinha
Las relaciones de género afectan directamente las experiencias turísticas de los individuos. Este proyecto presenta una alternativa, fuera de los padrones de la sociedad, con mujeres viajando solas, presentando una experiencia ...
A importância do descarte e coletado lixo para o turismo em Porto de Galinhas
The tourism, as one of the most productive activities in the world, takes into
consideration the number of tourists attending a given destination. This destination -
the more frequented -, if not thought and worked in ...
Estudo sobre a importância da hospitalidade no estabelecimento comercial alimentício, localizado no município do Cabo de Santo Agostinho - Pernambuco
The need for shelter for commercial travelers and pilgrims who made long
journeys concomitantly led to the development of different types of
accommodation, as well as support structures for the realization of meals. ...