Now showing items 21-30 of 100
A patinação como lazer urbano no ginásio de esportes Geraldo Magalhães: uma prática sobre rodas
The Leisure Tourism is one of the most sought tourism segments and is in great
evidence in the city of Recife, and for this reason and considering its importance, it
was sought to carry out a project that was able to ...
Aplicativo para o centro cultural cais do sertão com acessibilidade comunicacional para surdos e ensurdecidos
The cultural tourism is a segment of tourism that is earning more and more space in the market, mainly because of the different productions and cultural expressions of each place. However, when it is produces projects to ...
Linha turística circular de ônibus: do aeroporto a hotéis e pontos turísticos
This project consists of a transportation alternative in the city of Recife, aiming at a
better mobility and tourist experience for those who visit the city, departing from the
Recife / Guararapes International Airport ...
Processo de análise hierárquica para definição do melhor destino turístico de Pernambuco
Tourism is an important tool for the socioeconomic development of a community, as it
promotes the creation of jobs, income, professional qualification, attracts investments
in infrastructure and tax collection. In ...
Estratégias de comunicação e propostas de ações para captação e fidelização de visitantes para o museu da cidade do Recife - Forte das Cinco Pontas.
It is undeniable that the museums are for the society a way to preserve the
history and the culture, beyond stimulating Tourism. After analyzing the
historical, cultural and social value that the Museu da Cidade do Recife ...
Wepride agência virtual de turismo: uma proposta de lazer, conforto e segurança ao turista LGBTQIA+
This project has the goal of creating a business plan to open a leisure establishment
directed to the tourism activity and to the LGBTQIA+ community. It’ll be executed by
the private initiative, which sees in this market ...
Implementação gastrôregional: guia digital de gastronomia regional pernambucana na cidade do Recife - PE
The present project sought the development of a digital application that works as a
regional gastronomic guide in Pernambuco in the city of Recife - PE as a way of
promoting gastronomy as a tourist attraction. Recife is ...
I Festival de folclore e cultura popular de Pernambuco
The first Festival of Folklore and Popular Culture of Pernambuco aims to disseminate
the Pernambuco folkloric manifestations and the sense of cultural belonging to the
population, as the appreciation of artists, not only ...
A reorganização da agenda cultural da cidade de Olinda como ferramenta de difusão da cultura do município para a comunidade local e visitante
The Cultural Agenda of the city of Olinda is the main tool for compilation and
divulgation of cultural programs that take place in the city. This paper intends to take
a critical look at the management of this tool, in ...
Domingo no monte: lazer e cultura no Parque Histórico Nacional dos Guararapes
This project was aimed at designing a day-long schedule of leisure and recreational
activities at the National Historical Park of Mount Guararapes for the benefit of
Jaboatão citizens and its neighboring towns, thus ...