Now showing items 21-30 of 56
Estudo populacional do mosquito Aedes spp e medidas de intervenção em campo com uso de óleo essencial de Croton rhamnifolioides com efeito deterrente no cemitério da Várzea, Recife, Pernambuco
(Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de Pernambuco, 2018-08-20)
The Aedes aegypti is of great medical importance in the epidemiological diseases transmitted
by arbovirus. It is linked to the virus transmission of the Flaviviridae family, responsible for
most of the neglected diseases ...
Desenvolvimento de aplicativo para monitoramento de ovitrampas na cidade Universitária no Recife
The main goal in this work was developing a mobile app that aims to monitor ovitraps
set around of Cidade Universitária do Recife. Fragmentation of environmental areas
is causing insects, originally from those areas, to ...
Análise espaço-temporal da vulnerabilidade às mudanças climáticas da bacia hidrográfica do Rio Moxotó - PE, utilizando o sensoriamento remoto
Climate change generates impacts that affect natural and human systems with different
results, depending on the level of vulnerability, with the Brazilian Northeast being the most
vulnerable to these changes. In the ...
Avaliação da efetividade de gestão de áreas protegidas da Região Metropolitana do Recife
The Brazilian Atlantic Forest has a high degree of deforestation, with a reduction of
91.5% of its original coverage over the last 500 years. Due to its biological richness and its
degree of devastation, it is considered ...
Estudo da influência das mudanças climáticas na erosão marinha dos municípios litorâneos de Paulista e Olinda em Pernambuco
Climate change has been the scene of research and consequent discussions, thus taking its growing space in society, knowing that the changes that have occurred are caused by the increase in greenhouse gas emissions on the ...
Gastos percapta com saúde: conhecendo as condições orçamentárias de Pescaria Brava, município recém-criado
Health as a right of all and the duty of the state to guarantee it according to the Federal Constitution, it has been operated by the Unified Health System, where the model of basic health care has been improved. Thus, in ...
Avaliação da gestão de resíduos sólidos no Centro de Distribuição e Logística CEASA Pernambuco
(Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de Pernambuco, 2018-04-27)
The objective of this work was to evaluate the waste management of the CEASA / PE supply and logistics center, in compliance with Law 12,305 / 10, which deals with the National Policy on Solid Waste, and other regulatory ...
Remodelagem do sistema sigareias utilizando tecnologias ARCGIS
In order to better understand the potentialities and challenges of the region and the
population that uses alluvial water, the Águas do Nordeste Association has carried
out a registry of Springs and Water Uses of Alto ...
Implementação gastrôregional: guia digital de gastronomia regional pernambucana na cidade do Recife - PE
The present project sought the development of a digital application that works as a
regional gastronomic guide in Pernambuco in the city of Recife - PE as a way of
promoting gastronomy as a tourist attraction. Recife is ...
I Festival de folclore e cultura popular de Pernambuco
The first Festival of Folklore and Popular Culture of Pernambuco aims to disseminate
the Pernambuco folkloric manifestations and the sense of cultural belonging to the
population, as the appreciation of artists, not only ...