Now showing items 1-10 of 24
Análise da sustentabilidade ambiental de empreendimentos comerciais: o caso da certificação AQUA no Shopping RioMar Recife
(Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de Pernambuco, 2019-03-22)
This research refers to the evaluation of the environmental sustainability of commercial
enterprises, having as object of study the RioMar Recife Shopping, of the Grupo João Carlos
Paes Mendonça (Grupo JCPM ). In view ...
Estimativa de produção de sedimentos em suspensão no trecho baixo do Rio São Francisco: subsídios para gestão ambiental
(Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de Pernambuco, 2019-02-06)
Sediment flows are natural processes that occur in water courses, caused by ero sions in the
environment. However, anthropogenic interventions can accelerate or increase erosive
processes or even reduce sediment ...
Vulnerabilidade ambiental às mudanças do clima na zona da mata sul de Pernambuco utilizando imagens de satélite
Global climate change leads to important discussions in the political, economic and
social spheres, as part of the governance strategies of various countries. This concern
is in the index of environmental vulnerability ...
Olinda experience : uma proposta de turismo de experiência no sítio histórico de Olinda
The present work seeks to demonstrate the feasibility of practicing tourism experience at the Historic Site of Olinda, in Pernambuco state, with the effective participation of its carnival associations in the tourist circuit ...
IF preservar: jornada ambiental do Instituto Federal de Pernambuco
This project has as principle to address the theme of environmental preservation by
providing and sharpening the students of the Federal Institute of Pernambuco (IFPE)
the necessary awareness for a sustainable and aspiring ...
Agroecologia e feminismo: empoderamento das camponesas Flores de Ximenes
The present research was carried out in the settlement of Valdir Ximenes, located
in the municipality of Barreiros / PE, with the general objective of understanding
how the rural women of the locality created the Flores ...
Utilizando social BPM na colaboração de equipes de TI em uma empresa pública
This paper presents the main concepts and analysis related to the Social BPM, Collaboration Maturity Model, showing how this procedure is becoming more and more necessary in the organizations routine. The main objective ...
Uso de notação BPMN para mapeamento de processos de requerimento estudantil no IFPE/Campus-Recife
The mapping of business processes is a tool that helps the management of business
processes, allowing us to have a graphic representation of all or part of a process. Its
main purpose is to facilitate the understanding ...
Proposição de um índice para avaliação de projetos de recuperação de áreas degradadas
(Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de Pernambuco, 2019-09-24)
Projects of Recovery Degraded Area (PRDAs) are important initiatives within the
conduction of environmental damage repair resulting from the investigation of infractions
committed due to the suppression or intervention ...
Análise pós-colonial da agricultura e da pesca na comunidade quilombola do Engenho Siqueira/ Rio Formoso/ PE
The general objective was to analyze the importance of traditional knowledge for the
food security of the Engenho Siqueira quilombola community in Rio Formoso-PE,
from a postcolonial perspective, through an intercultural ...