Now showing items 1-5 of 5
Acessibilizando o ambiental: elaboração de cartilha inclusiva como instrumento de educação ambiental para pessoas com deficiência visual
Education is a powerful instrument in the awakening of ecological consciousness.
However, it is very important that this practice covers everyone, including students
with special needs. This work aimed at the elaboration ...
Análise de qualidade da água em um aquário: a importância do sistema de filtração da água
This work dealt with the efficiency of the filtration system in an aquarium, one of the main objects in the practice of aquarium keeping or aquarism, using it as a tool for environmental education. The efficiency of the ...
O museu como estratégia de educação ambiental: um estudo do Instituto Ricardo Brennand
Environmental education is supported by a complex network of political, economic,
cultural, and scientific factors for raising awareness. Environmental Education as a
discipline that is governed by both formal and ...
O diálogo entre a educação ambiental crítico-transformadora e a capoeira Angola : a percepção da experiência no centro de pesquisa e prática nº Golo capoeira Angola, no Agreste de Pernambuco.
Capoeira Angola emerges as a concrete possibility for resistance and fight against domination, which contributes to the current ecological ruin. With the objective of to comprehend the relationship between critical-transformative ...
Percepção de profissionais da saúde pública brasileira a respeito da educação ambiental
Nurses play a key role in promoting health and improving the living conditions of the population in the Family Health Strategy, and can act as important environmental educators in society, through public health surveillance. ...