Now showing items 1-9 of 9
Guia-me: um sistema de recomendação para ajudar a iniciar ou migrar de carreira no mercado de TI
Entering the IT job market can be challenging, especially for beginners and individuals seeking to transition from other careers. The competitiveness and demand for specific knowledge and skills make this transition even ...
Implementação e orquestração automatizada de clusteres kubernetes com GitOps: um estudo de caso
This thesis presents a case study on the automated implementation and orchestration of Kubernetes clusters using the GitOps methodology. Kubernetes is an open-source platform widely used for container management and ...
Elicitação de requisitos para desenvolvimento de um aplicativo de rotina para crianças e adolescentes com Transtorno do Espectro Autista
This study aimed to elicit requirements for the development of a routine application intended for children and adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). The importance of routine for these individuals is evident, ...
Análise e predição do desempenho dos estudantes do ensino médio de Belo Jardim-PE
This course completion work (TCC) presents a study on the academic performance of students who took the National High School Examination (ENEM), in the city of Belo Jardim-PE. During this research, analysis and prediction ...
Desenvolvimento e aplicação de um sistema de monitoramento de umidade do solo com sensores a base de gesso e integração com IoT
The growing demand for sustainable and efficient agricultural practices has driven the search for innovative soil moisture monitoring solutions. In this context, this thesis presents the development and application of a ...
O impacto do suporte metodológico e ferramental orientado à segurança da informação no ensino prático de cursos de desenvolvimento de software
This term paper explores the critical need to update and improve the curricula of training courses for software developers, with a special emphasis on information security. This study argues that practical experiences ...
Elicitação de requisitos para aplicativo de auxílio na adaptação da rotina de corte de cabelo de crianças e adolescentes com Transtorno do Espectro Autista
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), related to the neurodevelopment of those who have it, compromising communication and social interaction, which is associated with restrictive and repetitive behavior patterns. As a result, ...
Estratégias de gerenciamento de riscos em empresas de TIC: metodologias e benefícios para o desenvolvimento de software
This Undergraduate Thesis (TCC) addresses the importance of risk management in Information and Communication Technology (ICT) companies and proposes a support structure to encourage the adoption of robust risk management ...
Análise comparativa de desempenho de APIs RESTful em Node.js, .NET e Go com K6
This work aimed to perform a comparative analysis of the performance of RESTful APIs developed with Node.js, .NET, and Go, using the k6 tool to measure response times in different load scenarios. The adopted methodology ...