Now showing items 1-10 of 15
Capacidade de uso das terras da bacia hidrográfica do rio Jaboatão - PE
The intensive use of natural resources, mainly through agricultural practices and the phenomenon of urbanization, has been promoting environmental impacts, making it necessary to plan the use of land according to its ...
Análise de riscos erosivos na bacia hidrográfica do Rio Jaboatão – PE
The erosion is seen as one of the main environmental problems, making studies about its
dynamics, agents and conditioning factors an important decision-making tool. Bearing in
mind that erosion is one of the most ...
Violência doméstica e família e território : uma análise na cidade e de Recife - PE (2019-2020)
Domestic and family violence is an old phenomenon, but it still remains alarming and
active in contemporary society, configuring itself as one of the most complex issues
to be faced. The general objective of this ...
Classificação climática e Regime Hídrico da microrregião de Recife, Pernambuco.
Investigating dry and rainy periods and their intraseasonal and interannual variations is
essential for the urban-environmental planning and, consequently, for water management.
Thus, the climatic water balance was ...
A Educação Ambiental no Ensino Fundamental do 6º AO 9º ANO: Um Estudo de Caso na Escola Estadual Joaquim Amazonas, PE
O século XXI teve no seu início um grande debate sobre os temas relacionados ao
meio ambiente: aquecimento global, efeito estufa, aumento da temperatura mundial,
degelo das calotas polares, gases poluentes, etc. A ...
Transformações e permanências do lugar: um olhar sobre a Vila da Fábrica, Camaragibe/PE
Composed of a plural historical context, the Vila da Fábrica constitutes, in the current period, a space of possibilities for the capital's action, with potential repercussions on the lives of its residents. The research ...
As relações socioespaciais dos moradores da Vila de Nazaré com o parque metropolitano Armando de Holanda Cavalcanti, Cabo de Santo Agostinho-PE
Vila de Nazaré, located in the municipality of Cabo de Santo Agostinho - PE within the
Metropolitan Park Armando de Holanda Cavalcanti (PMAHC), is a place with unique
historical and spatial characteristics, where its ...
A percepção dos moradores da comunidade Asa Branca, no município de Camaragibe-PE, sobre os problemas ambientais no Rio Pacas
This research aimed to analyze the perception of residents of the Asa Branca
community, located in the Vera Cruz neighborhood of Camaragibe-PE, about the
environmental problems in the Pacas River. So it was necessary to ...
Roteiro das ferrovias em Pernambuco: um olhar geográfico
In this work the Historical Geography will be based on the methodological theories
that permeate the research of the past in Geography. Rail transport emerged during
the Industrial Revolution in the 18th century in England ...
Reúso de águas cinza em escola de nível médio no agreste Pernambucano
In objective to bring the school community closer to gray water reuse practices, a study was carried out on the potential for reuse at the Antônio Inácio State School in Feira Nova, PE. Based on users' consumption habits ...