Now showing items 1-10 of 10
Ideação suicida entre estudantes universitários da área da saúde: uma revisão integrativa
Objective: to identify the risk factors associated with suicidal ideation in university students in the health field. Method: this is an integrative review of the literature, developed based on the recommendation criteria ...
Tecnologias Educacionais para Promoção da Saúde da Mulher: revisão integrativa da literatura
Objective: To identify in the scientific literature the educational technologies
developed to promote women's health. Method: This research consists of an
integrative literature review, conducted according to the criteria ...
Desafios para a implementação das competências gerenciais do enfermeiro no âmbito da atenção primária à saúde: uma revisão integrativa da literatura
Objective: To identify in the literature the challenges faced by nurses in developing managerial competencies in basic health units and the possibilities for their implementation in the Primary Health Care setting. ...
Produção da enfermagem brasileira sobre a saúde da população lgbtqiapn+: análise bibliométrica
Objective: to analyze Brazilian scientific nursing productions aimed at the health of
the LGBTQIAPN+ population. Method: bibliometric study, with data collection carried
between August and September 2024, in the Virtual ...
Saúde do homem: abordagem da disciplina nos cursos de graduação em enfermagem
Objective: To describe teaching about men's health care in public higher education
institutions offering undergraduate nursing courses in the Northeast region. Method:
This is a quantitative research with a descriptive, ...
Cuidados de enfermagem prestados aos pacientes portadores de hemofilia: uma revisão integrativa
Hemophilia is a genetic and hereditary bleeding disorder linked to the X chromosome,
which requires specific interventions. The objective of this study was to identify nursing
practices that optimize the clinical management ...
Abordagem da violência obstétrica e humanização do parto nos cursos de enfermagem de instituições públicas: uma revisão bibliométrica
OBJECTIVE: To identify the presence of the themes of obstetric violence and
humanization of childbirth in the Political Pedagogical Projects of undergraduate
nursing courses at public higher education institutions in ...
Vídeos do YouTube em Língua Brasileira de Sinais sobre violência contra a mulher
Objective: To examine YouTube content that deals with violence against women using
Brazilian Sign Language. Method: Quantitative research involving 58 videos from the
YouTube platform. Descriptive data analysis was ...
Simulador toracoabdominal gravídico para ensino da ressuscitação cardiopulmonar em gestantes: Validação com estudantes de enfermagem
Objective: To validate a didactic thoracoabdominal pregnancy simulator attachable to
CPR mannequins with nursing students. Method: This was a methodological study,
developed from April to August 2024, referring to the ...
Estratégias de acolhimento de enfermagem às pessoas transexuais na atenção primária à saúde: uma revisão narrativa
Objective: To analyze the strategies for welcoming transgender people in primary health care
by the nursing team. Method: this is a narrative literature review, which allows a systematic
search for studies on the subject. ...