Now showing items 71-80 of 103
Sistema de controle e automação para salas
The objective of the work is to merge the use of a programmable microcontroller plat form with internet access, implementing the concept of IoT(Internet of Things), to auto mate classrooms as well as the devices used in ...
Busybus: plataforma para visualização e compartilhamento de informações do transporte público rodoviário
The present work aims to develop a set of applications to allow public transport users
to have more information about vehicles, potentially improving decision making, the
main application displays the capacity level of ...
Cálculo da distância percorrida em um sistema de monitoramento em tempo real dos trens da Região Metropolitana do Recife
The Metrorail Transport System of the Metropolitan Region of Recife is of great
importance for the transportation of its citizens. The RailBee System emerged as a
dynamic and autonomous telemetry system, and it is composed ...
Jogos digitais para o ensino de lógica de programação: um mapeamento sistemático
Digital games are increasingly becoming popular, not only in the entertainment world,
but also in the academic world as an aid to learning subjects, regardless of age
group or level of education. In view of this, a ...
Elicitação de requisitos para desenvolvimento de um aplicativo de rotina para crianças e adolescentes com Transtorno do Espectro Autista
This study aimed to elicit requirements for the development of a routine application intended for children and adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). The importance of routine for these individuals is evident, ...
Luner : um mecanismo para detecção de vulnerabilidade em serviços de rede
This paper aims to present the application Luner, a web system that identifies
vulnerabilities in systems. Considering the hacker attacks that have emerged during
the pandemic period and an still unsettled scenario of ...
CRISP-DM no desenvolvimento de funções de pedotransferência: um estudo de caso com o Banco de Dados HYBRAS
This research describes a detailed analysis on the development of pedotransfer
functions to estimate Field Capacity and Permanent Wilting Point. The adopted approach
utilizes data from the HYBRAS database, which holds ...
Análise e predição do desempenho dos estudantes do ensino médio de Belo Jardim-PE
This course completion work (TCC) presents a study on the academic performance of students who took the National High School Examination (ENEM), in the city of Belo Jardim-PE. During this research, analysis and prediction ...
Oficinas ingrediente X: uma experiência de ensino de programação aplicada a matemática para estudantes da rede pública de Pernambuco
Learning programming is considered an activity that stimulates logical, structured and
mathematical thinking; having its importance recognized in several countries that
adopt it in their regular curriculum. The Oficinas ...
Análise Comparativa de Redes Neurais Artificiais e Algoritmos de Ensemble para a Predição de Risco de Crédito
In this study, the importance of credit risk analysis in the financial system is explored,
highlighting its challenges and economic implications. Given the complexity of
imbalanced data and the dynamics of the economic ...