Now showing items 11-20 of 22
Impressão tridimensional de peças anatômicas para ensino dos aspectos morfofisiológicos da embriologia na enfermagem
Objective: to develop 3D anatomical pieces for teaching human embryology in the
context of Nursing. Methodology: methodological study of a technological nature,
carried out in the informatics and electrical engineering ...
Conhecimento da equipe de enfermagem sobre o risco de queda em pessoas idosas hospitalizadas
Objective: to evaluate the knowledge of the nursing team about the risk of
falls in elderly patients in the hospital environment. Methodology: Cross-
sectional study, with a quantitative approach, carried out in two ...
Prevenção da transmissão vertical da sífilis: dificuldades enfrentadas pelo enfermeiro no aconselhamento
Objective: To identify the difficulties faced by primary care nurses regarding
counseling in the prevention of vertical transmission of syphilis. Method:
Exploratory, descriptive and qualitative study with professionals ...
Conhecimento das gestantes acerca da violência obstétrica e as ações de enfermagem
Obstetric violence corresponds to any invasive intervention during the pre-partum,
childbirth and postpartum process, through dehumanized interventions, inadvertent
care, use of painful, unnecessary or embarrassing ...
Conhecimento e práticas de autocuidado das mulheres acometidas pelo papilomavírus humano
Given the diversity of sexually transmitted infections that affect the health of the
population, the infection caused by the Human Papillomavirus stands out, considered
one of the sexually transmitted infections that ...
Consumo de psicotrópico e adesão às práticas tradicionais de cura do povo Xukuru do Ororubá
Objective: To describe the pattern of psychotropic use of the Xukuru do Ororubá
residents of Aldeia Cimbres with a medical diagnosis of psychic illness, and adherence
to traditional healing practices. Method: Descriptive, ...
Importância do desenvolvimento do plano de parto para as gestantes na atenção primária à saúde: revisão integrativa
Introduction: The birth plan is an ethical-legal document developed as a form of
education and health promotion tool, recommended by bodies such as the World
Health Organization and the Ministry of Health. Objective: ...
Fatores de risco e de proteção associados à síndrome da morte súbita do lactente
Objective: To analyze the risk and protective factors associated with Sudden Infant
Death Syndrome among caregivers. Method: This is a descriptive, cross-sectional
study with a quantitative approach. The work was carried ...
Implicações do uso das Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação em Saúde na prática da enfermagem para segurança do paciente: Uma revisão integrativa
Objective: The objective of this work is to identify the implications of the use of
Information and Communication Technologies in Health in the practice of illness for
patient safety. Methods: This is an integrative ...
Aspectos legais da atuação de profissionais de enfermagem acerca da punção periférica de jugular externa
Objective: to analyze the regulations, opinions, resolutions or technical opinions
regarding the permission to perform external jugular puncture by a higher-level nursing
professional. Method: this is a qualitative ...