Now showing items 1-3 of 3
Estratégias de aprendizagem de química em tempos de ensino remoto
During the period of social isolation, school activities, which previously were entirely offered in person, needed to be rethought in remote activities. In this perspective, the way in which students study the contents and ...
Os conteúdos de química sob o olhar dos estudantes: perspectivas das aulas remotas
This study aimed to describe the students' perspectives regarding the contents of Chemistry in remote classes. The discussion highlighted the mediating elements in the teaching-learning process, specifically the content, ...
Aplicações em inteligência artificial na educação, na química e no ensino de química: uma revisão sistemática de literatura
The major goal of this work was to verify how Artificial Intelligence has been used
in Education, Chemistry and Chemistry Teaching, identifying its applications and
contributions, through a Systematic Literature Review, ...