Now showing items 1-4 of 4
Comunicação eficaz na passagem de plantão de enfermagem: construção de tecnologia educativa
Objective: to build educational technology to promote effective
communication in the shift change of the nursing team. Methods:
multimethod study, developed in two stages: scope review to map the
scientific production ...
Construção e validação de uma tecnologia educacional lúdica para prevenção de acidentes em idosos
The use of playful educational technologies facilitates understanding and is effective
in the learning process, enabling through play, the practice of health education, being
the playful responsible for increasing good ...
Tecnologia cuidativo-educacional para estimulação cognitiva de pessoas idosas
Objective: to describe the process of building care-educational technology for
cognitive stimulation of elderly people. Methodology: methodological study, of
technological innovation, developed in two stages: I: survey ...
Métodos contraceptivos: construção de vídeo educativo para mulheres surdas
Objective: to create an educational video in LIBRAS about contraceptive methods for
women. Methodology: methodological study, consisting of the construction of the
educational video, developed from a review of scientific ...