Now showing items 1-10 of 18
Análise de videos do YouTube sobre parada cardiorrespiratória em gestantes
Objective: to analyze Youtube videos with content about the conduct of health
professionals in cardiorespiratory arrest in pregnant women. Methodology:
Descriptive, quantitative study carried out in September 2021 Results ...
Sistematização da assistência de enfermagem: construção e validação de aplicativo direcionado ao idoso com insuficiência cardíaca
Objectived to build and validate the SAE (Nursing Care Systematization) application
in the care of the elderly with Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) in order to list the
primary nursing diagnoses, interventions and expected ...
Reflexões sobre a assistência de enfermagem a mães que deram à luz a bebês com anomalias sindrômicas relacionadas ao período gestacional
Nursing plays an essential role in health care, as it manages, plans, organizes,
coordinates and executes care. The role of professionals in relation to the neonate
diagnosed with a congenital anomaly needs to be ...
Construção de checklist para hemotransfusão em unidades de internação da rede de atenção secundária e terciária
Blood transfusion is a complex therapy that needs constant updating and improvement
to ensure its effectiveness. Therefore, hemotherapy needs instruments, such as a checklist, to list its
care steps, thus ensuring both ...
Assistência de enfermagem em termorregulação para neonatos: revisão integrativa
Objective: To investigate the scientific production on nursing care for the control of
thermoregulation in neonates. Methods: An integrative literature review study, carried
out from May to June 2022, adopting the time ...
Comunicação eficaz na passagem de plantão de enfermagem: construção de tecnologia educativa
Objective: to build educational technology to promote effective
communication in the shift change of the nursing team. Methods:
multimethod study, developed in two stages: scope review to map the
scientific production ...
Impressão tridimensional de aspectos morfofisiopatológicos congênitos humanos : ferramenta tecnológica no ensino da enfermagem
Objectives: to describe the steps of the process of printing anatomical pieces for
studies of human congenital anomalies in the context of nursing. Methods: this was a
descriptive and exploratory study, which used a ...
Tânatos no contexto profissional do(a) enfermeiro(a): a morte e o morrer no âmbito hospitalar
Objective: to analyze the perception of the impact caused by death and the daily life
of nurses in the hospital environment. Method: this is a narrative review with a broad
methodological approach, developed through ...
Vivência de peritos criminais sobre vestígios forenses não preservados por profissionais da saúde e segurança
Objective: to analyze the experience of experts on traces not preserved by health and
safety professionals. Methods: exploratory cross-sectional research with a qualitative
approach developed with 27 criminal experts ...
Percepção dos(as) supervisores(as) e acadêmicos(as) em enfermagem sobre comunicação terapêutica nas práticas interdisciplinares
Objective: To understand supervisors' and students' perceptions of therapeutic
communication in interdisciplinary practices. Method: This is a descriptive, cross-
sectional study, with a qualitative approach. The sample ...