Now showing items 1-10 of 66
Rede de apoio social à gestante que vive com HIV: revisão integrativa
HIV is characterized as a worldwide public health problem. The epidemiological
profile shows an increase in the number of cases in women of childbearing age, with
a high number of diagnoses during prenatal care, making ...
Análise de videos do YouTube sobre parada cardiorrespiratória em gestantes
Objective: to analyze Youtube videos with content about the conduct of health
professionals in cardiorespiratory arrest in pregnant women. Methodology:
Descriptive, quantitative study carried out in September 2021 Results ...
Sistematização da assistência de enfermagem: construção e validação de aplicativo direcionado ao idoso com insuficiência cardíaca
Objectived to build and validate the SAE (Nursing Care Systematization) application
in the care of the elderly with Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) in order to list the
primary nursing diagnoses, interventions and expected ...
Empoderamento feminino e políticas públicas em saúde: um estudo sobre a assistência prestada às prostitutas
Objective: To identify the coping experienced by sex workers in accessing primary
care health services. Method: This is a study of narrative literature review, of a
qualitative nature, based on the guiding question: “What ...
Reflexões sobre a assistência de enfermagem a mães que deram à luz a bebês com anomalias sindrômicas relacionadas ao período gestacional
Nursing plays an essential role in health care, as it manages, plans, organizes,
coordinates and executes care. The role of professionals in relation to the neonate
diagnosed with a congenital anomaly needs to be ...
Construção e validação de roteiro de entrevista motivacional breve: acolhimento das pessoas vivendo HIV/Aids
Objective: To build a brief motivational interview script for health professionals in
specialized care services, with an emphasis on welcoming and motivating people
living with HIV. Methods: This is a methodological study ...
Construção de checklist para hemotransfusão em unidades de internação da rede de atenção secundária e terciária
Blood transfusion is a complex therapy that needs constant updating and improvement
to ensure its effectiveness. Therefore, hemotherapy needs instruments, such as a checklist, to list its
care steps, thus ensuring both ...
Guia educativo para acolhimento a pessoa enlutada
to build an educational guide for the reception of bereaved adults. Methods:
methodological study, carried out in two subsequent stages: scoping review conducted
to gather information on interventions and recommendations ...
Assistência de enfermagem em termorregulação para neonatos: revisão integrativa
Objective: To investigate the scientific production on nursing care for the control of
thermoregulation in neonates. Methods: An integrative literature review study, carried
out from May to June 2022, adopting the time ...
Acolhimento da população negra em serviços de saúde mental na perspectiva da enfermagem transcultural
Objective: To analyze the welcoming practices for the black population developed by
nurses in the Psychosocial Care Network, in the light of the Theory of Universality
and Cultural Diversity of Care. Methods: Descriptive ...