Now showing items 1-5 of 5
Análise espaço-temporal da vulnerabilidade às mudanças climáticas da bacia hidrográfica do Rio Moxotó - PE, utilizando o sensoriamento remoto
Climate change generates impacts that affect natural and human systems with different
results, depending on the level of vulnerability, with the Brazilian Northeast being the most
vulnerable to these changes. In the ...
Estudo da influência das ilhas de amenidade nos centros urbanos : o caso do Recife
The development and growth needs of space have been a constant pursuit of humanity over time. Anthropic modifications associated with nature's reactions are known to bring results for future generations, often with ...
Utilização de técnicas de sensoriamento remoto na evolução do uso do solo no litoral sul de Pernambuco
The objective of this research was to evaluate the use and occupation of the soil in the southern
coast of Pernambuco from 2006 to 2017 and to estimate the Foliar Area Index as a means of
corroborating data from the ...
O ensino de solos e seus recursos metodológicos sob as "lentes" da geografia escolar
Soil education is important to develop a critical and environmental awareness among students,
however, this content has been neglected in the teaching-learning process of the school
environment. The objective of this ...
Análise espaço-temporal do uso da terra da bacia hidrográfica do Rio Jaboatão – PE.
Accelerated production of geographic space in the world has been responsible for significant
changes in land use and land cover patterns and when these changes occur without proper
planning can compromise environmental ...