Now showing items 1-3 of 3
Tecnologias na educação: o uso das TICs em escolas da rede estadual de Pernambuco
Thisresearchdealswiththe use ofinformationand communication technologies (ICTs) in
education, showinghowICTsinfluencethe performance ofactivitiescarried out
insideandoutsidetheclassroom. Withthemainobjectiveofinvestiga ...
Uma proposta para o uso de progressive web apps em ambientes de computação móvel em nuvens
The increased use of mobile applications is directly associated with the constant
development of Mobile Computing (CM), such as smartphones, tablets and notebooks.
However, the use of applications on these devices turns ...
Arquitetura de microsserviços: quando vale a pena migrar?
The continuous growth of complexity in current systems caused, among others, by
the exponential reach of the internet, has led the software industry and the
academic community to investigate new ways of solving problems ...