Now showing items 1-4 of 4
Horta escolar agroecológica: cultivando saberes com crianças da comunidade quilombola do Engenho Siqueira em Rio Formoso, PE
The present work proposes to present the results obtained in the experience of implementing and maintaining an agroecological garden at the José Minervino Roberto Municipal School located in the Quilombola Community of ...
Levantamento das plantas alimentícias não convencionais (PANCS) encontradas no IFPE Campus Barreiros
Unconventional Food Plants (PANCs) are edible plants that are not commonly used in the human diet, but which have high nutritional and medicinal value. These plants are rich in nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, and ...
Análise fitoquímica, doseamento de fenóis e flavonoides totais, atividade antioxidante e fotoprotetora de Clidemia hirta
Clidemia hirta is commonly known as caiia, pixirica or peludinha. This species is distributed mainly in the Neotropical regions of the world, but is also found in Brazil. In folk medicine, C. hirta tea is used to treat ...
Desenvolvimento do milho (Zea mays) sob o manejo da adubação orgânica e mineral
Corn is one of the most important crops worldwide, both from an economic and social point of
view, standing out for being the most produced grain in the world. In contemporary days, there
is an evident concern with our ...