Now showing items 31-40 of 61
Amarococo : uma proposta de inclusão do bairro de Amaro Branco no roteiro turístico histórico de Olinda por meio de coco de roda
Coco de Roda is a traditional cultural event in the Amaro Branco neighborhood, which is
strong during May and June and defines the local culture. This project presents a calendar of
events, in Amaro Branco, as an ...
Criação de um Festival na Arena Pernambuco : Art&Pop Festival
The project has as one of the main objectives to improve the use of Arena Pernambuco
as a tourism instrument and consequently promote the movement in the state events
sector, generating income and jobs directly and ...
Recife todo seu: Startup
Recife, which is one of the main gateways for tourists in the Northeast, annually receives thousands of visitors who come to the city for several reasons, among them: the search for tourist experiences. One of the factors ...
Turismo acessível : criação de selos para identificação e classificação dos hotéis que garantem acessibilidade física na cidade do Recife.
Building a just society is creating a society capable of meeting everyone's needs. The issue of
inclusion of people with disabilities has been debated through various means,but is it possible
to say that our country is ...
Turismo, economia criativa e artesanato: Intervenções artísticas e afetivas em Cafés Saraus
Through the experiences and memories of my childhood, adolescence and youth, in
the midst of our family Café Soirees, I envisioned the possibility of including this rich
past in future actions, such as the preparation ...
Terceira idade em movimento: atividades de lazer com integração social na cidade de Olinda.
A prática do lazer direcionada à terceira idade dentre uma das sua finalidades está inserir os
idosos em uma nova percepção de vida, para isso é necessário que o setor turístico se qualifique
e se prepare tanto em ...
Turismo, experiência e paisagem recifense: você abriu meu coração - o livro
Tourism can provide different emotions for those who experience it, but the experience
arises and happens spontaneously according to the equipment that the place provides,
far beyond planning. This work, written in the ...
Feira gastronômica e cultural na orla de Maria Farinha
The events are an important arm of tourism and can influence in the form as a touristic
destination is seen. The present course conclusion work brings an event proposal to
encourage tourism on the north coast of ...
Cine Várzea: um momento de lazer e de conhecimento da nossa História
Cinema, in addition to being entertainment, allows social interaction, culture and leisure. In
this study, we approach how the seventh art has the ability to reproduce different cultural and
social realities and transmit ...
Turismo inclusivo: a criação de uma disciplina para os discentes do curso de Gestão de Turismo do IFPE
This project aims to propose the inclusion of the subject of inclusive tourism in the curriculum of the Tourism Management course at Federal Institute of Education,
Science and Technology of Pernambuco – IFPE. Through ...