Now showing items 101-103 of 103
Aprendizado de máquina na precificação de carros usados: desenvolvimento de uma base de dados para modelos de regressão.
The buying and selling of used cars is a vital activity for the Brazilian economy
and for access to urban mobility, especially in a scenario of rising new vehicle prices. However,
determining the fair price of a used car ...
Desenvolvimento de api rest com spring boot para integração de dados de produção do hospital das clínicas da Universidade Federal de Pernambuco
This final course project is based on an experience report about the development of
a REST API with Spring Boot to integrate outpatient and hospital production and
billing data from the Hospital das Clínicas of the ...
Análise comparativa de desempenho de APIs RESTful em Node.js, .NET e Go com K6
This work aimed to perform a comparative analysis of the performance of RESTful APIs developed with Node.js, .NET, and Go, using the k6 tool to measure response times in different load scenarios. The adopted methodology ...