Now showing items 1-10 of 56
Utilização de VANT para inspeção de patologias em fachadas: uma análise logística entre metodologias de inspeção
This paper aims to present the use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAVs) as an agile
methodology for conducting pathology inspections on building facades. An
explanation of the use of the UAV in the construction industry was ...
Programação de recursos: um estudo de caso em empresa construtora de médio porte em Pernambuco
Established from the production planning and control, the resource scheduling, when
ineffective, generate problems related to the expansion of the execution time, the waste of
materials, low productivity and the increase ...
Entre a mordida e o assopro : o caso da comunidade do Bode frente ao projeto do complexo do aeroclube no antigo Aeroclube do Pina, Recife -PE
The purpose of this article is to challenge the planning and implementation process of
the Aeroclube Complex in Recife, Pernambuco. This project includes the installation
of various urban facilities, a mega urban park ...
Mapeamento, caracterização e análise dos incêndios com vítimas na Região Metropolitana do Recife
This article presents the mapping and analysis of fires with dead and hurts in Recife’s Metropolitan Zone – RMZ, attended by the Fire Department, from 2013 through 2016. We’ve noticed an average rate of 1 death per million ...
Aproveitamento da água de condensação de aparelhos condicionadores de ar no quartel da aeronáutica, em Recife-PE
The present study aims to evaluate the feasibility of using condensed water,
collected by means of air conditioning devices, for non-potable purposes in the aeronautics barracks, specifically in the 3rd Integrated Center ...
Uso da realidade mista na construção e manutenção de edificações e obras de arte
This article talks about the use of Mixed Reality in the construction and maintenance of buildings and works of art, a concept that mixes elements of
the real world (physical) with those of virtual reality (such as video ...
Principais falhas no processo de impermeabilização e laje coberta na região metropolitana do Recife
The objective of this work is to present inadequate occurrences of waterproofing in
roof slabs of buildings located in the metropolitan region of Recife, focusing on
exposing the main problems generated from the incorrect ...
Análise de transferência de calor em prisma composto por blocos de concreto com revestimento interno de gesso: subsídios para construções sustentáveis
(Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de Pernambuco, 2022-12-01)
Environmental issues and sustainable development have guided the growth of cities. Sustainability in civil construction has major challenges in the industrial construction sector. One of the biggest is related to energy ...
Impacto da corrosão por carbonatação em pilares do viaduto ferroviário da linha sul, trecho porta larga/aeroporto
Carbonation corrosion is a chemical process that occurs in reinforced concrete
structures when the pH of the concrete decreases due to the penetration of
atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2). This process is one of the ...
Análise de estabilidade de talude na comunidade de Muribara em São Lourenço da Mata - PE: estudo de caso geotécnico
Due to the disorderly growth of housing in hillside areas, it is necessary to increase
containment works to avoid collapses. Landslides in these areas have become
frequent, especially in times when the amount of precipitated ...