Now showing items 1-3 of 3
Lei geral de proteção de dados: uma proposta de implantação e adequação acessível aos pequenos provedores de acesso à internet
The world scenario has been changing regarding the protection of personal data.
And in Brazil it could not be different, aiming to establish rights and responsibilities
of all involved, the General Data Protection Law ...
BPM Ágil: modelagem e e estudo de caso em uma empresa de TI
The case study of the treatment of the Hybrid implementation of processes
using BPM with agile methodologies, demonstrating how it can contribute to the
development of traditional processes in a company in the technology ...
Comparativo entre ferramentas de testes de softwares E2E em sistemas web
This article addresses the study of Selenium and Cucumber test automation tools,
with the objective of distinguishing their applications through a documentary study, and
showing the advantages and disadvantages of using ...