Now showing items 1-10 of 45
Sustentabilidade na hotelaria em Porto de Galinhas/PE: definição do Índice de práticas sustentáveis - IPS
Tourism is one of the main economic activities in the world. It is a current phenomenon that can promote economic, social and environmental changes. In the Northeast, the coast presents itself as the main attraction of the ...
Voo livre : pela liberdade de viajar sozinha
Las relaciones de género afectan directamente las experiencias turísticas de los individuos. Este proyecto presenta una alternativa, fuera de los padrones de la sociedad, con mujeres viajando solas, presentando una experiencia ...
Software de gerenciamento, armazenamento, processamento e visualização de dados em tempo real para aplicação no sistema telemétrico raibee
This project aims to develop software for the RailBee® telemetric system based on the monitoring of city trains using wireless sensor network mechanisms and embedded systems. This software receives and displays, in real ...
Estruturação de um Banco de Dados Espacial como Repositório dos Dados do Projeto SIGAreias
The aim of this paper is report a structuring of a spatial database for the development of the SIGAreias system and its own evolution to a multidimensional database. The Geographic Information System (GIS) called SIGAreias ...
Análise de ferramentas de testes baseadas em BDD
This article's main theme of his approach a large area of Computer Science, Software Testing, focused on automated testing tool that uses a structured language based on natural language. In studies it was realized that ...
Desenvolvimento de aplicativo móvel para o intermédio da compra e venda de artigos e serviços voltados à organização de festas e eventos
This work aimed to develop a more practical solution for the organization of events.
With the expanding event market in the country, the UpParty application was developed,
which concentrates on itself a variety of articles ...
Aplicativo móvel para divulgação de indicadores hidroambientais das bacias hidrográficas de Pernambuco
This article aims to explain the development of the mobile application "Knowing the Pernambuco Hydrographic Basins", which acts as a support for the Hydroelectric Assessment of Pernambuco Hydrographic Basins. This application ...
Qualidade de software no sistema Healthnet : elaborando e automatizando testes para o módulo segunda opinião
Software quality is of great importance to companies, being a challenge faced by
many managers. Whenever the system is updated, it is necessary to pay extra
attention not to introduce errors resulting from the newly ...
Turismo cultural: catalogando manifestações populares e atrativos de Frei Miguelinho
This study addresses the tourist attractions in the city of Frei Miguelinho, in the rural
region of Pernambuco. The municipality is rich in cultural, gastronomic and natural
aspects. In this way, the objective of the ...
Da nota de rodapé ao centro da narrativa: uma proposta de estruturação turística para o festival das heroínas de Tejucupapo, Goiana – PE.
For 25 editions, the Festival das Heroinas de Tejucupapo confirms the cultural diversity present
in the state of Pernambuco. The event, which takes place in the city of Goiana on the northern
coast of Pernambuco, stands ...