Now showing items 1-3 of 3
Análise da gestão participativa de unidades de conservação : um estudo do refúgio de vida silvestre mata Engenho Uchôa Recife-PE
Conservation Units are areas for the preservation of flora and fauna, however, so that the effectiveness of these units is satisfactory, it is necessary to work together with the community that lives in the surroundings. ...
Brejos de altitudes nordestinos face à mudanças climáticas: predições de distribuição como ferramenta para a gestão ambiental
Global climate changes can drastically influence the distribution of global
ecosystems, thereby affecting the flora and fauna composition by powering
habitat loss, bioinvasion and extinction. Sensible ecosystems such as ...
Práticas ambientais na construção da identidade de manifestações culturais da Comunidade Quilombola do Engenho Siqueira - Rio Formoso - PE
Traditional communities, specifically Quilombola Communities, are culturally distinct
groups that share values and symbols charged with ancestry that define what they
are, their identity. Understanding how this notion ...