Now showing items 1-6 of 6
Avaliação comparativa de técnicas de aprendizado de máquina na previsão de Turnover, com uso de inteligência artificial explicável.
This article carried out a comparative analysis of ten Machine Learning
algorithms for predicting turnover scenarios in organizations. Two databases from the
Kaggle website were used: the first for an American company, ...
Desenvolvimento de sistema para realização de metanálises com a utilização de técnicas de mineração de textos: uma aplicação em genética forense.
Meta-analysis is a powerful systematic review tool, essential for statistical
validations in scientific studies. In the biomedical field, the primary repository accessed is
PubMed, where the focus of readers is mainly ...
Proposta de chatbot inteligente baseado na organização acadêmica do Instituto Federal de Pernambuco
The Federal Institute of Pernambuco houses a variety of guiding documents.
However, accessing the information contained within these documents is often neither simple nor quick due to their length and complexity. To address ...
Uso da Inteligência Artificial Explicável aplicada à predição de doenças cardíacas
Abstract. The heart is the largest organ in the circulatory system and is essential
for pumping blood rich in oxygen and nutrients to all cells in the human body.
Problems that occur in the functioning of the heart, such ...
Um estudo comparativo de tecnologias LPWAN emergentes para IOT: uma abordagem teórica e prática
As IoT evolves, there is a trend for technological solutions to be designed wirelessly,
through Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs). However, the deployment of WSNs in
remote areas presents significant challenges due to the ...
Aprendizado de máquina na precificação de carros usados: desenvolvimento de uma base de dados para modelos de regressão.
The buying and selling of used cars is a vital activity for the Brazilian economy
and for access to urban mobility, especially in a scenario of rising new vehicle prices. However,
determining the fair price of a used car ...