Now showing items 1-10 of 41
Principais falhas no processo de impermeabilização e laje coberta na região metropolitana do Recife
The objective of this work is to present inadequate occurrences of waterproofing in
roof slabs of buildings located in the metropolitan region of Recife, focusing on
exposing the main problems generated from the incorrect ...
Percepção de resíduos sólidos: estudo de caso no IFPE - Campus Recife
This work aimed to analyze the management and perception of the academic
community (students, collaborators and Director of IFPE Campus Recife) about the
solid waste management developed in the institution. The investigation ...
Potencial de aproveitamento de águas pluviais dos blocos 71, 81 e 90 (LA4, LA5 E LA6) do CEASA/PE.
The objective of this work was to propose the use of rainwater from blocks 71, 81
and 90 (Sheds LA4, LA5 and LA6) of the Centro de Abastecimento e Logística de
Pernambuco (CEASA/PE) as a sustainable alternative to ...
Impacto da corrosão por carbonatação em pilares do viaduto ferroviário da linha sul, trecho porta larga/aeroporto
Carbonation corrosion is a chemical process that occurs in reinforced concrete
structures when the pH of the concrete decreases due to the penetration of
atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2). This process is one of the ...
Desenvolvimento de programa computacional para otimização estrutural de treliças bidimensionais utilizando o Matlab
Structural optimization is a valuable tool in the area of mechanical designs, as it enables obtaining the optimal configuration of a structure. This tool is already widely used in large companies and has been expanding ...
Desenvolvimento de modelo computacional baseado em machine learning para predição de propriedades anticorrosivas de compósitos poliméricos aditivados com grafeno
The direct and indirect damages caused by the corrosive phenomenon in the
deterioration of metals represent costs and consequences that are often incalculable,
affecting not only the public, commercial and industrial ...
Avaliação de rotas térmicas e termomecânicas para o estudo de tenacidade do aço AHSS DP800
This work aims to evaluate the toughness of AHSS DP 800 steel through
different thermomechanical rotations. Initially, the material was cut on a mechanical
guillotine for the manufacture of test specimens and 4 ...
Análise de estabilidade de talude na comunidade de Muribara em São Lourenço da Mata - PE: estudo de caso geotécnico
Due to the disorderly growth of housing in hillside areas, it is necessary to increase
containment works to avoid collapses. Landslides in these areas have become
frequent, especially in times when the amount of precipitated ...
As transformações das paisagens na antiga comunidade de palafitas do Pina e no entorno do shopping Riomar
The study of the landscape has been the subject of discussions and reflections in the academic world. The discussions in this scenario occur in favor of the transformations that have occurred in recent decades. The objective ...
Avanço do mar em trechos de praias do litoral da Paraíba
Considering that the dynamic between the continent and the ocean is constantly
changing, either naturally or due to human action, it is common to observe numerous
engineering devices to intervene in the preservation of ...