Now showing items 1-10 of 25
Análise de tanques atmosféricos horizontais aéreos para armazenamento de gasolina comum em postos de abastecimento na região metropolitana de Recife
This work is the result of a study of experimental analyzes that measured the
evaporation rate of common type C gasoline as a function of temperature and relative
humidity in gas stations for air horizontal atmospheric ...
Violência doméstica e família e território : uma análise na cidade e de Recife - PE (2019-2020)
Domestic and family violence is an old phenomenon, but it still remains alarming and
active in contemporary society, configuring itself as one of the most complex issues
to be faced. The general objective of this ...
Desenvolvimento de programa computacional para determinar a vida útil e dimensionar eixos mecânicos considerando formulações analíticas e concentradores de tensão do tipo adoçamento
In the development of mechanical projects, it is very important that components are
not oversized to the point of becoming unnecessarily expensive and heavy. However,
the designed component needs to have mechanical ...
Mapeamento, caracterização e análise dos incêndios com vítimas na Região Metropolitana do Recife
This article presents the mapping and analysis of fires with dead and hurts in Recife’s Metropolitan Zone – RMZ, attended by the Fire Department, from 2013 through 2016. We’ve noticed an average rate of 1 death per million ...
Aproveitamento da água de condensação de aparelhos condicionadores de ar no quartel da aeronáutica, em Recife-PE
The present study aims to evaluate the feasibility of using condensed water,
collected by means of air conditioning devices, for non-potable purposes in the aeronautics barracks, specifically in the 3rd Integrated Center ...
Uso da realidade mista na construção e manutenção de edificações e obras de arte
This article talks about the use of Mixed Reality in the construction and maintenance of buildings and works of art, a concept that mixes elements of
the real world (physical) with those of virtual reality (such as video ...
Análise de viabilidade do aproveitamento da água de chuva em um prédio público, na cidade do Recife- PE
Rainwater harvesting can be a quick way to obtain large volumes of water of reasonable
quality. Most cities throughout the state of Pernambuco, including those in the Metropolitan
Region of Recife - RMR, experience ...
Percepção de risco em áreas de população vulnerável a desastres ambientais: estudo de caso no bairro da Bomba do Hemetério - Recife
The choice for a study about the perception of the residents of the neighborhood of Bomba do
Hemetério - Recife, arose from the experience of belonging to the region bordering this
neighborhood and having observed numerous ...
Avaliação do sistema de tratamento de esgoto e reuso de água em hotel, Porto de Galinhas de Galinhas- Ipojuca – PE
A biological effluent treatment plant aims to reduce the contaminant or pollutant load
to a level compatible with the receiving body, that is, in such a way that the final
treated effluent can be absorbed without causing ...
Avaliação de Imóveis por análise de regressão linear múltipla no bairro de Casa Forte, Recife/PE
The objective of this work is to determine a mathematical model that represents
the value of supply of apartments in the neighborhood of Casa Forte, in Recife / PE,
based on the requirements of ABNT NBR 14653-2 (2011), ...