Now showing items 1-3 of 3
Turismo acessível : criação de selos para identificação e classificação dos hotéis que garantem acessibilidade física na cidade do Recife.
Building a just society is creating a society capable of meeting everyone's needs. The issue of
inclusion of people with disabilities has been debated through various means,but is it possible
to say that our country is ...
Turismo inclusivo: a criação de uma disciplina para os discentes do curso de Gestão de Turismo do IFPE
This project aims to propose the inclusion of the subject of inclusive tourism in the curriculum of the Tourism Management course at Federal Institute of Education,
Science and Technology of Pernambuco – IFPE. Through ...
Libras nas Cinco Pontas : acessibilidade comunicacional no Museu cidade do Recife
Much is said about the importance of inclusion within the tourism scope, but it is necessary to
think about whether this is happening in practice. Accessibility is a right guaranteed by law
for people with disabilities ...