Now showing items 1-3 of 3
Guia educativo para acolhimento a pessoa enlutada
to build an educational guide for the reception of bereaved adults. Methods:
methodological study, carried out in two subsequent stages: scoping review conducted
to gather information on interventions and recommendations ...
Contribuições da enfermagem obstétrica para a humanização do parto : um olhar sobre o (des)uso da episiotomia
Objective: To analyze nursing production on the (dis)use of episiotomy in the context of childbirth
care. Methodology: Integrative literature review, carried out in October 2022, based on the analysis
of articles available ...
Construção de um aplicativo móvel para sistematização da assistência de enfermagem em ambiente crítico frente a COVID-19
Objective: To describe the stages of construction of a mobile application for the
Systematization of Nursing Care in a critical environment in the face of Covid-19.
Design and Methods: Study of technological development, ...