Now showing items 1-6 of 6
O Recife do Alto da Penha: roteiro de visitas guiadas na estrutura interna superior da basílica da Penha do Recife-PE
Do Topo do Recife, trae al público de Recife la posibilidad de una nueva experiencia
en el concepto de visitas, en el uso de la estructura superior de la Basílica de Penha
y sus caminos de mantenimiento abiertos al ...
Política pública de turismo, lazer e cultura: programa sábado na escola
This work proposes the implementation of Leisure and Cultural Program activities for
the students of the State School Pintor Lauro Villares, located in the community of
Roda de Fogo, west of the city of Recife. In order ...
Do clássico ao contemporâneo: um roteiro turístico literário pela poesia Recifense
The present work is a proposal of a tourist itinerary with the purpose of divulging and promoting literary artistic manifestations and tourist attractions of the city of Recife. For this, it is suggested the creation of a ...
Evento gastronômico e cultural para a cidade de Vicência
Vicência located in the North Forest of Pernambuco is a city with remarkable tourist
potential, but which is still little explored, with that the present research had as
objective the proposal of an event in the format ...
Cine Várzea: um momento de lazer e de conhecimento da nossa História
Cinema, in addition to being entertainment, allows social interaction, culture and leisure. In
this study, we approach how the seventh art has the ability to reproduce different cultural and
social realities and transmit ...
I Festival de Cinema ao Ar Livre do Paulista : uma proposta para o Ecoparque das Paineiras
The project presents the proposal to create an open-air film festival with the aim of
strengthening the use of Ecoparque das Paineiras for events, as a tool to enable
culture and boost the tourist flow in the municipality ...