Now showing items 1-3 of 3
Wood Capture, uma ferramenta para coleta de informações de espécies de madeira
Wood is one of the most versatile materials found in nature, being used in several
essential applications such as civil construction, furniture, navigation, pulp extraction,
among others. In addition to its versatility, ...
Trocasenha : um sistema online para manutenção de automática e eficiente de senhas
TrocaSenha is a system developed in partner with Stefanini Group that allows
employees to change, reset, and unlock their passwords in a simple and secure way,
without the need to contact the service desk by phone. This ...
Desenvolvimento e aplicação de um sistema de monitoramento de umidade do solo com sensores a base de gesso e integração com IoT
The growing demand for sustainable and efficient agricultural practices has driven the search for innovative soil moisture monitoring solutions. In this context, this thesis presents the development and application of a ...